As a young principal investigator (PI) you have to find money wherever you can. In addition you have to start thinking for places for your lab peeps to look for funding also. This is in no shape or form a comprehensive list, but they are places that have helped me stay funded during my postdoc and places where I have been trolling for grants as a starting investigator. I work on the genetics of neurodevelopmental disorders so the funding sources are skewed towards my interests, but a lot of info is available on the NIH website ( Just look for the disease or organ you are interested in and each page will have a list of foundations and patient organizations relevant to the disease. Also remember the Career Development Awards (K Awards) from the NIH which you can obtain during your postdoc and transfer to your new institution: the K99/R00 Transition to Independence Award which I discussed in previous posts (here and here), and the Mentored Career Development Awards, K01 for PhDs and K08 for physician scientists.
Note: as I pick up information along the way, I have started a parallel post with helpful dates on the timelines for the foundation grants which vary widely, since it can be useful for planning when to write them. I will populate it as I go along, so please do not hesitate to post your experience on some of the other grants.
Career development awards:
- NSF Faculty Early Career Development Award (CAREER and PECASE):
- March of Dimes Basil O'Connor Starter Scholar grant ($75,000/year for 2 years):
- Brain and Behavior Research Foundation NARSAD Young Investigator grant ($30,000/year for up to 2 years):
- Klingenstein/Simons Fellowship Awards in the Neurosciences ($225,000 for 3 years):
- McKnight Scholar Awards ($75,000 for 3 years):
Other government grants:
- Department of Defense - Congressionally Directed Medical Research Programs (DOD-CDMRP): various program announcements on this site
- NIH Director New Innovator Award ($300,000/year for 5 year, must fall into the Early Stage Investigator category):
- DARPA Young Investigator Award ($250,000/year for 2 years):
- March of Dimes General research grant (around $100,000/year):
- Brain and Behavior Research Foundation NARSAD Independent Investigator grant ($50,000/year for up to 2 years):
- Simons Foundation Autism Research Initiative grants (from $60,000 for Explorer grants to $250,000 for 3 years):
- Epilepsy Foundation Research grant ($50,000 for 1 year):
- CURE Epilepsy Research grants ($50,000 to $250,000 for 1 year):
- Muscular Dystrophy Association research grant (no limit for 1, 2 or 3 years, but $100,000/year is a safe bet):
- Cure CMD short and mid-range grants ($30,000/year for up to 2 years, or $50,000/year for up to 2 years):
- National Organization for Rare Diseases affiliated foundations (various):
- Whitehall Foundation ($35,000-75,000/year for 3 years):
- John Merck Fund - Developmental Disabilities Translational Research Program ($250,000/year for 4 years):
- Burroughs Wellcome Collaborative Research Travel Grants ($15,000):
Fellowship resources:
- a great list from UC Berkeley sponsored programs of many available governmental and non-governmental post-doctoral fellowships:
- post-doctoral fellowships for European postdocs:
1. EMBO Long-Term Fellowships: fellowships
2. Human Frontiers Science Program:
3. Marie Curie Global Fellowships: 2 year abroad and 1 year back in home country
- pre-doctoral fellowships:
- NIH NRSA fellowships:
- NSF Graduate Research fellowship:
- HHMI international student fellowship:
- Ford Foundation Diversity fellowships:
Picture credit: By Victor Dubreuil (Private collection) [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons